Student Solution


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2.19 Class Discussion

2.19 Class Discussion

Q 2.19 Class discussion Pick one of the following arguments to discuss in relation to Allison: • Cultures and communities create "the Other" in order to feel superior. • Cultures and communities create the other in order to more strongly define their identity. • Cultures and communities create the other in order to project the societies' problems and negative characteristics onto another group. • Cultures and communities create the other by excluding those who don't conform to the social norms. Instructions: 1. Write a paragraph (10 lines minimum) where you respond to the discussion prompt. Refer to specific ideas and passages from the readings to support your point. 2. Respond to one other student (7 lines minimum) where you comment on specific passages in the student's post. 3. Extra points for replies (5 lines) to other student's comments on your posts. Make sure to take a look at the grading rubric (the little "snowman" in the upper right-hand corner).

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Cultures and communities from the passage, "A Question of Class" by Dorothy Allison, create the other in order to project the societies' problems and negative characteristics onto another group which, in this case, is the lower-class. I relate to the part on page 78 when Allison talks about the good-poor and the bad-poor because it seems it always felt like, even though whites and other ethnicities that lived in the lower and upper middle knew about the good-poor, they would consistently focus solely on the bad parts. I mostly summarised this topic in yesterday's Assignment but this allows me to go into more depth about my opinion on this.